Trick to get a FREE PR6 and monitize it with AdSenset 0

Blog101 | 1:32 PM | , ,

I will tell you how to make an article directory for free and get a PR6 and get 10,000′s pages indexed in Google almost on autopilot and again it is free!
Go here:
Download the free software and install it.
Go to their forum.
There are services that will automatically post articles to you.
There is a script that lets you automatically aprove those articles.
You can put adsense in there and you will get a high PR (5-6+!).
You can also advertise anything you like on your site, put links to your other sites on the homepage for fast indexing you name it.
I had 26,500 pages indexed within 4 months and all with Adsense on it. This is all done for free and white hat.
Almost all high ranking article directories are using this and so did I
2 years ago. Just check the article directories and you will see that they all use this.
There is a HUGE potential in this and it is all free.
Now go and install it and monitize you “efforts”.

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