Simple SEO using Google Sniper tactics 0

Blog101 | 7:06 PM | , ,

Indexed on Page 1 in a week, Number 3 in ten days
1 Find non competitive Keyword (less than 7000 results in quotation marks)
2. Buy domain name which IS the keyword
3. Use wordpress blog, run seo six pack plugin, google sitemap plugin and default theme
4.Name blog using Keyword
5.1st Post title is keyword employed
5A. first post has keyword in it a couple of times
6.Link to a video on Youtube
7. Remain google friendly by creating credibility (make about me, privacy,contact us, helpful articles pages
8. Configue blog tags using keyword
9.Make another post next day
10.Make final post net day (This is the important one as the rest get pushed down)

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